Climate change directly impacts our business, communities, stakeholders, partners and customers, and is one
of the largest challenges to securing our future. To do our part in building a safer tomorrow, we are
continuously learning and implementing proven strategies to mitigate our contributions to climate change,
including reducing the GHG emissions and energy intensity of our operations.
Reducing Waste, Water and Land Use
Building a safer tomorrow requires careful
stewardship of resources today. We continue to comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations and
other requirements, and are developing programs and strategies to further reduce our environmental impact to
help secure a safer tomorrow. These strategies include optimizing our lean manufacturing capabilities to
drive efficient, consistent and dependable operations that help us reduce water and material consumption. We
employ waste diversion to reuse or recycle non-hazardous materials rather than sending them to landfills. In
the case of hazardous waste, we ensure it gets disposed of properly and responsibly.
In 2022, we improved data tracking across the organization using various platforms to better manage waste,
water and GHG emissions. With our Cornerstone Building Brands Production System (CPS) in place and a
baseline of data established, we are positioned to develop plant-level goals aimed at driving improvements
across key environmental metrics.
To learn more about how we're addressing, view our full report here: ESG Report